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Rob's Story

My exposure to teamwork and leadership occurred through my experiences in the United States Marine Corps. The levels of discipline and fortitude I developed during that time have served me well and proved to be invaluable to my leadership growth. My time with the Marines also taught me how to work with people from diverse backgrounds, develop deeper trust in myself and others resulting in authentic teamwork.

The foundation that was built during my time in the military prepared me to maneuver through the trenches and start my management career. For over 25 years I have been successfully leading people. I have lead Executive Teams through processes to become healthier organizations. The results of these processes included enhanced employee satisfaction, improved morale, reduced turnover, increased efficiency and higher productivity. The companies also grew in size, revenue and profitability. Throughout the process it was essential, at times, for me to hire key people as well as terminate those employees who did not fit with the company culture and values. It was also important to identify potential in others. Through training and mentoring I have helped develop many effective leaders, ultimately producing healthy teams

As a licensed TLP director I also possess the skill set and endorsement to lead teams through this training program.

Rob Eldredge